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Update on Hunger Strike and Lawsuit

October 8, 2017 Time: Early Afternoon Location: SOCF Medical Ward

On October 2, 2017, a massive hunger strike was supposed to be held by dozens of Lucasville prisoners who are being housed in Restrictive Housing units and are being denied the right to receive and send JPay electronic mail. Unfortunately, as usual with oppressed Ohio prisoners who love to fight against one another and not against injustice, nearly all of them failed to participate in the protest that they all, weeks earlier, pledged to participate in. I am, however, still on the hunger strike and have been moved to the Medical Ward of the prison. I will not be on the strike much longer, though, because I am currently the only person still on the strike, which was never planned to be carried out by one person.

In regards to my civil lawsuit that I filed in 2013 against the six Mansfield pig-officers that assaulted me and framed me, it was my intention to post an update about the following a few weeks ago. When I got the news that I’d lost my appeal, my anger cause me to not even address the issue. In fact, today, I’m still upset that I even allowed myself to believe that I could attain justice through an Amerikkkan court. I lost sight of the fact that I live in a country whose criminal justice system once acquitted the LAPD pig-officers that brutally beat Rodney King, that is, despite the beating being secretly recorded by a video-camera-carrying pedestrian, who released the tape to the media.

Anyone with common sense, upon reading my Black Lives Matter essay, can see that all of the Mansfield pig-officers framed me and lied about everything. Their fabricated claim of having to initiate force against me, due to me allegedly “kicking my cell door open,” was proven to be an outright lie! In Amerikkka’s racist criminal justice system, obvious facts don’t mean anything. The U.S. Constitution might as well be toilet paper, as far as I’m concerned. None of its protections apply to me, nor were they ever intended to. For anyone who wants to pretend that the U.S. Constitution is some noble and esteemed document, just read the blatantly racist and inhumane words of its Thirteenth Amendment.

Although the crooked and racist Amerikkkan criminal justice system can get away with using complex and confusing legal jargon to dismiss the lawsuits of pro se litigants, such as myself, it can’t get away with trying to fool society into believing that it’s a just system. Just as the video footage of Rodney King being beaten by the LAPD showed the world that Amerikkka’s criminal justice system is racist and corrupt as the day is long, so will the forthcoming film documentary about my situation of injustice do the same. I’m telling you, I can’t wait!

Speaking of my documentary, the film is almost complete. I’m not exactly sure what the next step will be once it is? Aside from everything that the filmmaker and producer are going to be doing when it comes time to promote the film, I’m going to be doing everything that I can to assist in the promoting of the film — that is, reaching out to filmmakers of social justice documentaries (e.g. Ava DuVernay), bloggers, journalists, the Black Lives Matter movement, TV and radio sports shows (because of the LeBron James and Brittney Griner tie-ins to my 2014 Parole Board hearing), activist organizations, influential rappers (e.g. Jay Z, Nas, Killer Mike, The Game, etc.), and influential athletes (e.g. Colin Kaepernick, LeBron and D.Wade, Carmelo Anthony, etc.). With this being said, though, I’d like to ask that anyone who is interested in assisting me with spreading the word about the forthcoming documentary to please contact me via regular U.S. mail, so that we can work together towards promoting the film in the interest of attaining justice for not just myself, but for all Ohio old-law prisoners who have been wronged (a video trailer for the film will be released soon). By myself, without question, I am a strong and determined person. With your assistance, together, we can become a powerful and unstoppable force that ushers in true justice!

I conclude this posting in solidarity with all of the hungry people living throughout the world. One day, somewhere, I’m going to provide people with food who are hungry. I know I’m on a hunger strike, but being hungry is not a good feeling at all!

Struggling until we don’t have to,

Jason Goudlock, live from incarceration-nation



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